Join us

The society welcomes new members at any time but it is generally best to join the choir at or near the beginning of a rehearsal term.


Rehearsals are held in Broughton Village Hall, ML12 6HF from 7.30pm-9.30pm

Rehearsals for 2024 autumn & winter begin on Tuesday 3rd September, the major work will be Mozart’s Missa Brevis in F K.192.

BCS welcomes new singers throughout the year — new members can just turn up on the night but it would be appreciated if you could contact us first.


Rules of membership

The fee for joining the Broughton Choral Society will be £55 per term from the autumn season 2023. (The full rate was temporarily reduced to reflect diminished activity during the Covid pandemic.) Membership dues cover all costs including professional fees, hall hire, purchase or hire of music, and tea and coffee, see below). The choir committee reserves the right to reduce membership fees for individuals in exceptional circumstances – an application can be made in confidence at any time to a member of the committee. Membership is free for school age children.

The committee and office bearers are elected annually at the AGM. Potential new committee members are always welcome and may be co-opted at any time.

Members are expected to attend weekly rehearsals at 7.30pm on Tuesday in Broughton Village Hall. There are no penalties for non-attendance, but members should be aware that infrequent attendance prolongs the learning time and has a disheartening effect on others.

Members take it in turns by means of a rota to make tea and coffee (and wash up!) during the rehearsal interval. Tea, coffee, milk and biscuits are provided.

There are generally two concerts every year, one in December in the run-up to Christmas and the other in early June. The choir exists to encourage singing throughout the year so members who know they cannot sing in the concert are still welcome to join rehearsals until a fortnight before the concert date. The committee appreciates advance notice of any planned absences.

Concert dress is decided by the committee and is generally all black for ladies, and black shirts and trousers for gentlemen. Members are expected to supply their own concert dress.

You can download the society’s constitution here (pdf file will open in a new browser tab or window)